From for Service: Service Nation Summit Hosts Obama, McCain Today

Today and tomorrow, 500 leaders from public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors will come together in New York City to call on the next President of the United States to "enact a new era of voluntary service and civic engagement in America, an era in which all Americans will work together to solve our greatest and most persistent societal challenges" at the Service Nation Summit.

Senators Barack Obama and John McCain (presidential nominees of the two major parties) will speak back-to-back Thursday night at Columbia University, moderated by PBS Newshour Senior Correspondent and Political Editor Judy Woodruff and TIME Managing Editor Rick Stengel (here's an article on the campaign by Stengel). The forum will be broadcast live on CNN at 8 pm EDT and will take place live before an audience of September 11th family members, military veterans, Columbia University students, and other key stake holders. Submit your own questions to ask Senators McCain or Obama about national service on the Service Nation web site.

The aim of the summit will be to lay out a policy blue print for solving tough social problems through expanding national and community service. Among the hundred or so speakers on Friday will be Senator Hillary Clinton, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Just in time for the summit, thought leaders from NYU Wagner, National Peace Corps Association, and the Brookings Institution have been voicing their ideas on how to make national and international service stronger in the next administration. To read more about the presidential candidates's support of national service go here.

The Service Nation campaign is a coalition of 110 organizations (including that has been organized by Be the Change Inc. and founded by City Year's founder Alan Khazei. The initiative will come to a service project near you on September 27 with over 1000 events in communities across the country on the Service Nation Day of Action. Check out the Service Nation web site for a project to participate in, or to register your project!

Also, check out the Service Nation page on Facebook and follow Service Nation news through BetheChangeInc on Twitter.


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