The Phenomenon of Carbon Tax

By Mir.F. Ali

Here’s a great summary of the issue of carbon taxing from Mir Ali, a Sustainability Analyst with Turner Lane Development Corporation in BC. I’ve shared another story from Mir as well and I find he takes a common sense approach to environmental issues and is well worth reading. This is also a useful piece for locals to read given our election here in BC.

The majority of the people have accepted the fact that rising concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHG), which result from the burning of fossil fuels, are gradually warming the Earth’s climate. While the amount of damage associated with the warming remains uncertain, there is an appreciation for the risk that could be large and perhaps even catastrophic.
One of the creative techniques to mitigate the environmental risk is the concept of carbon tax. A carbon tax is a tax on the carbon content of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). The idea of carbon tax is that polluters should pay for the environmental damage that they are responsible for. This is based on the understanding that a carbon tax may encourage polluters to avoid/minimize the amount of carbon emission in the atmosphere by changing their behaviour or help pay for offsetting the carbon credits that other individuals or industries have earned…..more

Have fun out there, but walk….


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